Cinnamon Croissant: The Recipe

Tulip Chocolate

Cinnamon Croissant offers the distinctive buttery delight of French croissants combined with the gentle touch of Indonesian cinnamon, providing a delicious and unforgettable flavor. This dish is the perfect blend of classic European style and authentic local touch.

Croissant Dough and Hazelnut Cream

  • 500g Croissant dough
  • 100g Butter
  • 100g Sugar
  • 125g Hazelnut powder
  • 50g Egg
  • 50g Low-protein flour
  • 100g Pastry cream
  • 5g Cinnamon powder
  • 100g Tulip Hazel Delight

  • Beat butter and sugar until fluffy, then add eggs. Beat again until evenly mixed.
  • Add the hazelnut powder to the butter mixture.
  • Then add the low protein flour, stir until smooth.
  • Finally add the pastry cream, stir until everything is evenly mixed.
  • Ready to use as Hazelnut Croissant filling.


  • Eggs
  • UHT Milk
  • Tulip Hazel Delight Hazelnuts 


  • Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3 mm, then cut the dough into right-angled triangles measuring 9 x 39 cm with a dough weight of approximately 80g.
  • Fill the triangles with hazelnut cream, then roll the croissant dough.
  • Let it rise in the proofer at a temperature of 30°C, humidity of 70%, for approximately 3 hours.
  • Brush with beaten egg and a little UHT milk.
  • Bake at 200°C for 20 - 25 minutes.
  • After baking, let it cool.
  • Dip in Tulip Hazel Delight, then sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts.

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