How to Make a Simple Homemade Chocolate Paste

Tulip Chocolate

You can make your own filling with this easy chocolate paste recipe. If you want to build your own pastry and bakery shop, the first thing you need to master is the chocolate product. Chocolate is the easiest to make in any form. You can start your business by buying a bun or bagel and making your own chocolate paste to fill it. Through this article, you can find a simple homemade chocolate paste recipe that you can try to start your own pastry and bakery business.

Simple Homemade Chocolate Paste Recipe

To make a homemade chocolate paste recipe, all the ingredients you need are:

  • ½ cup cocoa powder
  • ⅔ cup sugar
  • ¼ cup powdered milk
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 tbsp flavoring 

After you prepare all the ingredients, the next step is to follow these instructions:

  1. Put sugar, cocoa powder, and powdered milk into a bowl and then mix it well
  2. Pour the water into the bowl and stir it gently
  3. Heat the bowl in a pan with half water on medium heat
  4. Add butter and flavoring into the bowl and mix it until well combined
  5. When it’s done, remove the bowl from the pan and let it cool at room temperature
  6. You can use the chocolate paste to decorate cakes, fill various pastries, or spread it to make delicious chocolate toasts
  7. As a side note, you can add more water to get the consistency that you want

Choose The Cocoa Powder You Need Here

Tulip has several cocoa powder products you might need. Here is our recommendation for cocoa powder that you can use in the chocolate paste recipe.

1. Tulip Noir Cocoa Powder

For the first recommendation, we have Tulip Noir Cocoa Powder. It has a cocoa fat content of 10 - 12% so you will get a strong cocoa flavor. Besides using it in the chocolate paste recipe, you can also use this cocoa powder for dipping sauces, syrups, frostings, and glazes.

2. Tulip Burgundy Cocoa Powder

Tulip Burgundy Cocoa Powder has the same cocoa fat content as Tulip Noir Cocoa Powder which is from 10% up to 12%. It has a deep reddish-brown color, like burgundy wine. 

3. Tulip Bordeaux Cocoa Powder

Another special cocoa powder product from Tulip is Tulip Bordeaux Cocoa Powder. It has a cocoa fat content of 22 - 24%. You will get a much richer cocoa flavor in the chocolate paste if you use Tulip Bordeaux Cocoa Powder.

4. Tulip Chocolate Cream

Here is the other Tulip product if you want a simpler way to make a chocolate paste: Tulip Chocolate Cream. You can just mix it with buttercream and add some water to turn it into a chocolate paste. 

5. Tulip Dark Chocolate Filling

You want it even simpler? We have Tulip Dark Chocolate Filling that you can just directly put in a bun or bagel. Tulip Dark Chocolate Filling contains sugar, vegetable fat, cocoa powder, and vegetable emulsifier.

Read also: A Simple Recipe for Chocolate Truffles

With this homemade chocolate paste, you can craft various menu items. This means more options for your customers, but with no extra effort from your end. Besides the fillings, browse around our wide range of chocolate-based toppings and decorations to beautify your pastry and bakery products.

If you are interested in using Tulip Chocolate products for this creation, please hit the link below. Our consultant member will be in touch with you.

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